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Psychiatrists have the education, training and experience to treat the highest levels of complexity and severity of mental illness. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor - a psychiatric physician - who is skilled in:
For more information, please visit the information pages of APA and AACAP on this subject.
A psychiatrist has successfully completed the following educational and training requirements:
For more information, please visit the information pages of APA and AACAP on this subject.
Q: Where can I find a psychiatric physician in my community or in Montana?
A: Click on the Members page.
Q: What can I do if there are no psychiatrists in my community?
A: Contact your community Pediatrician, Family Practice physician or primary care provider.
Q: What can I do to advocate for a psychiatrist to be available in my community?
A: Clearly communicate your expectations to your community hospital, local mental health agency, and state departmental and elected officials.
Q: If I see a psychiatrist, will I end up on medications?
A: In many cases, psychiatrists recommend and advocate for treatments other than medications. For more information psychiatric medications, visit Parents Med Guide, NAMI or the NIMH.
Q: Will I be blamed for my problems?
A: No, although you are the most important factor in your own recovery. Everyone can learn new skills to cope and improve.
Q: Where can I find more mental health information?
A: Good resources for information include APA, AACAP, NAMI, Mental Health America and NIMH.
Q: What if I need help but do not want to be labeled with a disorder?
A: While the stigma of having a mental illness remains in the US, the impact of untreated mental illness typically is far worse.
Q: Who can help me advocate in my mental health care?
A: Montana organizations include NAMI Montana, Mental Health America of Montana, the Montana Insurance Commissioner and Disability Rights Montana.